KEK/J-PARC neutrino group


  • Announcement

    In January, we welcomed Yota Hino as a new member of the Neutrino Group.


  • Announcement

    Neutrino group webpage has been updated.

  • Activity Reports

    There has been beam operation. Stable operation with a record-high beam power of 800 kW was successfully achieved. Moreover, the upgraded T2K near neutrino detector successfully measured neutrino interactions.

  • Activity Reports

    There was a Ph.D thesis presentation event at SOKENDAI. From the Neutrino Group, Jakkapu presented his research. Jakkapu successfully passed the examination and was awarded a Ph.D degree.

  • Activity Reports

    An article about the completion of one of T2K new near neutrino detectors, SuperFGD, was published in the IPNS News. (Link)

  • Activity Reports

    In the beam operation conducted last November-December, we successfully achieved a record intensity of neutrino productions with the upgraded accelerator, and the first operation of the new T2K near neutrino detector. A press release was issued about this achievement.(Link)


  • Announcement

    The beam operation of the T2K experiment has resumed after installed new neutrino detectors and conducted annual summer maintenance works.

  • Activity Reports

    There has been beam operation for the T2K experiment after an approximately two-year-long shutdown

  • Activity Reports

    There was a master's thesis presentation event at SOKENDAI. From the Neutrino Group, Nishimori presented her research. Nishimori successfully passed the examination and was awarded a master's degree.