
In January, we welcomed Yota Hino as a new member of the Neutrino Group.
Neutrino group webpage has been updated.
There has been beam operation. Stable operation with a record-high beam power of 800 kW was successfully achieved. Moreover, the upgraded T2K near neutrino detector successfully measured neutrino interactions.
There was a Ph.D thesis presentation event at SOKENDAI. From the Neutrino Group, Jakkapu presented his research. Jakkapu successfully passed the examination and was awarded a Ph.D degree.
An article about the completion of one of T2K new near neutrino detectors, SuperFGD, was published in the IPNS News. (Link)
In the beam operation conducted last November-December, we successfully achieved a record intensity of neutrino productions with the upgraded accelerator, and the first operation of the new T2K near neutrino detector. A press release was issued about this achievement.(Link)
The beam operation of the T2K experiment has resumed after installed new neutrino detectors and conducted annual summer maintenance works.
There has been beam operation for the T2K experiment after an approximately two-year-long shutdown
There was a master's thesis presentation event at SOKENDAI. From the Neutrino Group, Nishimori presented her research. Nishimori successfully passed the examination and was awarded a master's degree.
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