Hadron production experiments

Hadron production experiments aim to measure the production distribution of hadrons, such as pions and kaons, which are parent particles of neutrinos, in order to accurately understand the flux and the energy distribution of the neutrino beam generated at J-PARC. Members from the KEK/J-PARC neutrino group are participating in two hadron production experiments.
NA61/SHINE is an experiment conducted at CERN. Utilizing a proton beam (secondary protons from the SPS accelerator), we measure the production distribution of hadrons generated from interactions of 30 GeV protons with the neutrino production target of the T2K experiment. Additionally, to realize a more precise prediction of the T2K neutrino beam, we plan to conduct measurements of production cross sections for particles with a lower momentum than 30 GeV and materials such as aluminum, iron, and water. For this purpose, we aim to construct a new low-momentum beamline at the NA61/SHINE experimental area.

EMPHATIC is an experiment conducted at FNAL. We measure hadron production from various targets using incident particles with momentum ranging from 4 GeV/c to 120 GeV/c, which are available at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) at FNAL.