R&D of neutrino detectors

R&D of new neutrino detectors is also being conducted by the KEK/J-PARC neutrino group.
Development of high granularity scintillator detector
To archive a high precision measurement of neutrino interactions, we are developing a high-resolution tracking detector based on plastic scintillators. Our goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a detector that has a smaller number of readout channels, can be scaled up, and is easy to assemble, while keeping the capability to measure particle tracks precisely.

Development of Liquid Argon Time-projection-chamber
Liquid argon time-projection-chambers (LArTPC) have a capability to measure three dimensional trajectories in real-time and can be used to make high precision energy measurements. They can detect tracks which can not emit any Cherenkov light, such as those from K mesons and protons. LArTPCs also have scalability, which is essential for a far detector. Members from the KEK/J-PARC neutrino group are collaborating with international and domestic institutions to develop a readout system for the ionization electron signals from a gas-liquid dual-phase scheme, high-voltage generation equipment, and readout electronics for a LArTPC.