Antonio Jose
Neutrino group

QWhy did you choose SOKENDAI?
AThe SOKENDAI is the best place to do research. You spend your graduate studied at the best research center of your interest. I was always interested in exploring the wonderful world of parEcle physics, and specially neutrino physics. As a PhD student, I am currently working at the T2K experiment studying the mystery of neutrinos at the High Energy Accelerator Research OrganizaEon, KEK.

QCan you give a brief explanation of your research in the neutrino group?
AI am part of the T2K experiment (Tokai to Kamioka), which is a long-baseline neutrino experiment. We measure a phenomenon known as the neutrino oscillation to determine the CP violaEon in the lepton sector. I am currently working on performance evaluation of the magnetic horn system and the estimation of the neutrino flux at the T2K experiment. (The horn system focuses the neutrino beam generated at Tokai towards the Super-Kamiokande detector located in Kamioka, by applying a strong magnetic field.)

QWhat’s your experience of being part of the neutrino group?(Campus life/daily life)
AYou spend almost every day studying the mighty invisible neutrinos, working together with the best researchers in the world. It’s cool, isn’t it?
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